I activated today with my QCX mini (QRP 5 watts) for the first time.
My usual work order is to open and populate the fields in HAMRS then self spot on POTA.app before calling CQ POTA.
I was using my iPad version 4 OS 15.4.1 and POTA version 1.0.5
I created the new log then populated the activation fields. park #, frequency, power, mode (changing it from SSB to CW). Then I went to POTA.app and self spotted. Here I realized I had entered my park incorrectly into HAMRS (K-1943 instead of K-1940). I entered it correctly into POTA spots.
I went back to HAMRS and edited the log name, changing K-1943 to K-1940. When I saved the changes the HAMRS logging page opened and I had to re-enter the activation data, Park #, frequency, mode, and power.
After that I started calling CQ POTA. After no more than 5 minutes I got my first response, entering his call and RSTs. When I hit the “ENTER” button, I got the warning window–“Failed to Save”. I was being called by a station familiar to me, so I took that one also.
After that there was a short lull, and I had time to close HAMRS app and re-open it. Total time estimated from first opening HAMRS until rebooting HAMRS about 10-12 minutes. I can’t recall whether the activation data was saved upon re-opening, but I was then able to enter and save both calls (QSOs). It worked without a problem after that.
HAMRS lockup and refusal to save data is a known and described bug. This occurrence is described in hope of providing additional details that my help resolve the issue.
Impressive little rig, the QCX mini.