Download Skype It Opens HAMRS


Trying to install Skype to my MacBook. Every time I click on the download it opens HAMRS instead. Not just switch to the HAMRS screen, but opens it from being closed.

No idea why this is happening.

Perhaps it will help someone down the road…

Think I figured it out.

I had to use “Open With Disk Mounter” to drag the Skype download into the Apps folder.

When I double clicked on the download file, HAMRS tried to open it as if it were an .ADI file.

Still curious.

Where did you download Skype from? What type of file did it download? when you download from Microsoft it’s a .dmg file which MacOS will automatically mount with DiscImageMounter.
Find the .dmg and right click or option click on the .dmg and choose “Get Info” in the “Open with” pulldown list choose DiskImagerMounter and click “Change All” to fix the issue.
Hopefully you didn’t download it from anywhere else :flushed:
By the way. HamRS can’t open .adi files (only create them) so it shouldn’t automatically lunch when you click on an .adi file. You can change the default behavior the same way you did for the .dmg file.
The default should be TextEdit unless you have another logging app installed that imports .adi files

The official SKYPE download from is a Disk Image (.dmg). Double clicking on it (assuming it went to your Downloads folder) will automatically mount it on your desktop. If that did not occur you have other problems with your system. The window with contents of the Disk Image will include the Skype application and an alias of your Applications folder. Installation involves simply dragging the Skype icon into the Applications Folder (illustrated by the giant Red Arrow). Done. You then can launch Skype in any number of customary ways, after it’s been installed in the Applications folder. Unless someone’s been mucking about with Launch Services or changing “open with” assignments or filename extensions, there is no logical explanation or reason why trying to install or launch Skype should have brought up HAMRS.


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