Grid number on K-1482

United States Of America
Location(s): US-WI
Latitude / Longitude: 42.977, -91.1138 (EN42kx)
Park K-1482
and on Hamrs log grid is EN42kw
just checking what one is the right one

I would go with the one on the official POTA site, since it is the most current. I presume the HAMRS version of the data set will be updated at some point but right now it doesn’t have the latest park info.

It’s very possible both grid squares are within the park but the mapping coordinator made an adjustment to provide a better entrance location or other location for activators to reference.

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The park grid should just be taken as an initial suggestion. On smaller parks, you might just totally fit within a 6 character grid without ambiguity. I cross-check my actual location with the default that comes up after entering my park number. For trails or large parks, just expect to enter your own. I use Ham Radio Maidenhead Grid Square Locator Geocoding with Google Maps by HA8TKS and for my usual resources.

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Thank you very much I didn’t know if it was a set number for the grid.

Use an app such as Grid Square Locator to get the correct grid square for your location.
Charlie - K0LAF

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