HAMRS, QRZ, and Grid Squares

Simple question/query here. I used HAMRS for my first POTA activation the other day and noticed that unless it was a P2P, grid squares were not pulled and auto-populated. All P2P contacts did auto-populate grid squares.

I have read some other threads and see people saying you need a QRZ premium subscription for this to work. The thing is, I have never had a premium QRZ subscription and I’ve used HAMRS for about 2 years and my grid squares always auto-populated, and now don’t. What gives?

Are we sure a premium subscription is required? If so, why was it working for me for nearly 2 years and then suddenly stopped if I never paid for anything?

Any clarification and insight into this conundrum would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all!



Grid squares not needed for POTA.

I know they’re not required, but I like a visual representation and like to plot/map my contacts…

You must have a QRZ html subscription at minimum so it can pull the grid squares from QRZ when it does the lookups.

That seems to be what others are saying, but why did it work for me for 2 years when I didn’t have premium subscription?

It could have been a change in what QRZ allows for non-premium accounts.

FWIW, HamQTH does auto populate the grid square (at least on iOS), but you only get a person’s first name.

What do you use for lookup? QRZ, HamDB or HamQTH? It seems to work if I switch to HamDB, but none of the foreign DX ones work.

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