Problem with DUPES in eQSL, QRZ, LOTW from HARMS

Ga’Day to all… I’m using HAMRS in ALL of my POTA activations … LOVE IT !!
I send my ADIF files to my home to double check accuracy and down loads to various programs as listed : eQSL … QRZ … LOTW and home log N3FJP
N3FJP logs accept logs that contain more than ONE park or MORE as in a P2P without an ERROR as DUPES. Not the same with the other logging programs …
All three give DUPE errors …
Is there a work around to eliminate these errors in the file or program
I am aware of ADDING all 2 / 3 / or more park numbers in Their Park section seperated by commas. Works great in N3FJP … NO issues … 2 or more entries in seperate line entry.
As for submitting my activation log to POTA … HARMS logs work great with no dupe issues. I get credit for all P2P’s . FANDABALOUS !!
Gordon KW4CZ

Gordon, HAMRS is designed in the POTA template to enter multiple parks as separate log entries, consistent with the format you are required to use when uploading to

However, since “their park” is not a required field, and matches the P2P QSOs for you, one option is to simply not enter more than one park — or even just leave it blank.

Another option is to just ignore the dupe errors when you upload them to other services. They are, after all, truly dupes in their eyes.

A third option is to edit the ADIF with a utility such as ADIF Master and remove all of the duplicates after you upload the file to POTA.

I just ignore the upload dupe errors. It works well for me.

Kevin KZ3L

Sir Kevin … KZ3L,
Thank you sir! Your suggestions are most welcome and all have VALID points.
Me thinks I am a victim of “Over thinking” the process … Hi Hi !
Like a Peanutbutter and Jelly sandwich … does it really matter which goes on the bread first??
Bottom line … if it works by ignoring the DUPE thoughts … it all works out just fiine.
Thanks again …
73 and POTA ON !!
Gordon KW4CZ

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You also have the option to add one minute to each dupe QSO to fool LoTW, QRZ,eQSL. Somewhat of a pain in the you know what.

If I activate a 2-fer or a 3-fer, I only upload the park of main interest to the logging services. I import one park into my logging program from HAMRS, upload them to LoTW and whoever else you wish to do. Once they are uploaded, I import the other one or two parks but never upload to LoTW, eQSL etc. Saves a lot of frustration. Very few of my hunters upload a separate QSO for each of my 2-fers etc so why should I.
