QRZ data from failed attempt retained

So, something that happened during my POTA activation yesterday…

I was attempting to make a Park to Park call… so, while I was waiting to get through the pile up, I pre-filled the info in HAMRS. After about 10 minutes of trying, I decided to give up… so I then just deleted the call sign / park number, frequency, and then replaced it with the frequency I ended up on. When I entered the next call sign that came back to me, I put his call in the callsign box. All seemed well…

When I got home and checked my exported log, the QRZ info from the previous Park to Park call sign that I had typed in, was still present for the Call Sign that actually ended up finally occupying that record. I only really noticed because the call sign had told me what state he was in, and I for some reason remembered that (I normally totally forget everything).

I see that you have the “Clear” button, which probably would have fixed this situation, however I didn’t see it until I had manually deleted each box. On the iPhone XS the Clear / Save buttons are hidden by the keyboard, and I didn’t see / understand the use case for that button until I got home and saw the mismatched data in the log. Lesson learned, will definitely hit clear in the future (also I see that it’s easier than doing it manually) But moving that up so it’s in line with the “Date” box would also be a wonderful UI adjustment, if it’s possible.

Confirmed. I’ll get a ticket going for this, and figure out better responsive fallbacks for portrait mode. Thanks for the report!