I was running HamRS fine on my raspberry pi UNTIL I re-imaged to the new Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit.
Now not only will it not run, it doesn’t even recognize the file.
I did a uname -a and it says that linux kernel is aarch64, so I am assuming that HamRS will not run on 64 bit arm processor. Am I correct?
Which then begs the question, can we have Raspberry Pi 64 bit support please.
Otherwise, until then, I will just do paper logs in the field and use HamRS on my main linux box at home.
I’m working on it. I hadn’t been paying attention to the Pi ecosystem for a couple of months, and completely missed it. I’m trying to source a 64 bit pi to test with but everything is sold out - if I get a build, I’ll post it on this forum and will need someone with that hardware to test it out, so be on the look out!
I have a fresh Raspberry Pi with the 64-bit bullseye based OS. I’ve downloaded the app image and will give it a shot tomorrow and let you know how it goes.
I can help with the testing. I can also provide a testing environment if you would like one. You should have my email, just email me if you are interested. I can then send you my phone number.
I can run any OS on Raspberry Pi. I have one setup with ESXi.
It took me a few days because a work issue interrupted me, but I can also say that this is working on my pi. I installed AppImage Launcher, double clicked on the AppImage I downloaded from above and it started and ran just fine for me. Sadly, I don’t have lots of log data I could use to test but I was able to create a new log and add a few “contacts” to it to check functionality.