Satellite Log Template

Would it be possible to get a satellite log template?

Tell me what fields you would need. I’ve never done satellite before so I’m clueless

I am just getting into satellite work myself so I am no expert… link below to AMSAT and logging for Log Book Of The World and what is needed.

Besides the “normal” stuff, there needs to be a field for propagation mode and satellite

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As far as I remember, the exchanges are signal report, and grid square. So you should have Callsign, date, sig repo, grid. That should keep it simple. I might be wrong though, but that was what I use to log on satellites.

Wanting to see if this idea had taken any progress in the development?

For a satellite template, all is required is MODE (either fm or SSB), rx freq (center) tx freq (center) , and the satellite name. Would be cool if users can create their own list of satellites and enter those Into a library the app would show as a drop down box for us to select diff sats we have entered attributes to so those would auto populate in fields. In that library users can input the sat name, mode and Freqs . Grid square is not required field for LOTW processing so maybe that could be part of a few complimentary fields like “notes”

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These requests can only make HAMRS better right?! I know I’m probably being a pain, but it’d be cool if there were the different sats listed and sat mode as well as the official mode so places like eQSL would be happy :slight_smile:

Where can I find a list of SAT NAMES and SAT MODES? This could be a pretty simple template to knock out

I’m sure there’s a legit source like Communications Satellites – AMSAT

But just looking at these screenshots from eQSL you should be able to compile a full-ish list for sure :slight_smile:

Call sign & grid would probably be the primary “action” inputs (I’d put them front and center). The rest of the details can be filled in before or after. Sat contacts are big on the grid square thing so a contact usually looks like:

: K1RKK DN08

  • K1RKK (Your call) (your grid) QSL?
    : QSL 73
  • 73
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How do you usually log multiple grids, for instance when you are on the line or at an intersection? Do you log those as separate contacts?

You could use the list that is included in LoTW (scroll to the last section of this page):

Any progress on the Satellite Log Template?

I am very fond of the HAMRS, and in addition to the templates already implemented I urgently need a satellite template as well, I see som refs to what it should contain, for me it also must have my own Locator so that I can change it if I am portable in different locations.
HAMRS is sooo easy to use from phone or iPad, the lookup is just fantastic.
Hope I can revive this topic, and thanks as a new member :slight_smile:

Frank LA9KY

Typically this is a limitation of the logging application. Some do not support MY_VUCC_GRIDS or VUCC_GRIDS so the only thing that can be done is to log them as two contacts.

Adding the ability of logging satellite contacts would be great.

The LoTW list is a good list to start with, but it does not have the frequencies nor modes, some satellites have different modes, example AO-7 can be in Mode A – V/a or Mode B – U/v. A= 10m, V = 2m, U=70cm. This page has many options to get the data that you would need: Satellites and Frequencies

For modes, APRS, CW, FM, SSB, and “digital”; maybe the APRS contacts are logged the same as other digital voice modes.

Logging both my and the remote stations grid(s) is important for rovers. There are times that I have been in 2 different locations with 2 different grids at each location within minutes of each other. Most of the grid corners out east are no workable like a lot of them in other parts of the country.

Personally I like to also log the satellite name, worked grid, and where I am in the comments; so that would be a personal wish list feature.