Update Error on Installing latest update

I’m using an iMac with an intel processor. I thought it would be a good idea to do an update with HAMRS with all of the POTA park # changes. I downloaded the update (Mac intel version) and got the following error:

HAMRS can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.
This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information.

Any assistance?

Try opening the Applications folder in Finder, right-click on HAMRS.app, choose Open. That should give you the option to open the app anyway.

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This is a part of the Apple gatekeeper system.

You need to open system settings, then scroll down to security. You should see an entry that says something about Hamrs and have a button that says ‘Open Anyways’ Then you should be able to open Hamrs.

If it is not listed under security, then try to open Hamrs again, and when you get the error, close the error and look under security again.

Have a good day

Just hit Open

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