Uploading ADI Pota File

Today I went to upload my Pota ADI file from HAMRS to my gmail account it stated it cannot attach file this has never happened before is something going on with the Hamrs app ? Please advise thank you !

Sal / KM4PPV

Hi Sal,

I just purchased hamrs and I have the same exact problem regarding attaching my .adi as an attachment to email. I saw this problem from a post from May 2023. Not sure if the author has
seen them but I hope it’s acted upon quickly.

73, Mark NB1U

Same problem here on my Ipad. Seems no one is responding. I can’t attach my logbook.

Are you using the iPad’s built-in email client?

Also, have you tried exporting the ADIF to your device, and either (1) attaching it to an email from within iCloud on your iPad, or (2) retrieving it from iCloud on your PC or Mac?

And a third option: Have you tried exporting it to another service such as Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.?