Updating POTA Parks

Just like everyone else, thank you!!! I know this is a project of love, and it is appreciated that you’re updating it!

1.0.7 Desktop versions are now available at https://hamrs.app

This updates the POTA Parks DB.

More to come soon!


Very cool and thank you!

Not to be a nudge, but do you happen to have a version for older Macs? My portable is an older Macbook Air the newest OS for which is macOS Monterey (version 12) (as well as being Intel chip). If not, no biggie, I think I probably can set the computer up to dual boot Ubuntu since it’s not really doing anything else.

Oh, yes in probably can get one up. I’ve got an Intel mac mini I use as a server I can probably get a build on. I’ll give it a go tomorrow, thanks for reminding me.


Thank you again! I appreciate the effort.

Built and tested this morning. https://hamrs-releases.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/1.0.7/HAMRS-1.0.7-intel.dmg


It works! Thanks again for your efforts.

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That is awesome news!!!

Thank you it works WQ9V Texas

Might be useful to have the app store a local copy of the POTA DB that it refreshes on launch if it has internet access. That way you won’t have to update the offline DB manually.

This is absolutely amazing news Jarred! Thank you so much!
Btw, can we expect the update for Android as well?

73s de CS7BEK

Thank you for HAMRS and POTA on!

Thanks bunch for the update.

There are some great workaround so we’ve been managing just fine.

Take care of the family and day job first. Hobbies second.

Keep up the good work.


You’re a victim of your own success! Provide a service out of the goodness of your heart and suddenly you’re obligated. HAMRS has made a fun activity even more fun. Looking forward to the update but on your schedule.

I am so sorry to hear that life has been difficult. The ham community appreciates your effort even while dealing with real life. I know the balance can be hard. You say you just wanted a ‘quick logger’ but you did such a good job with it, everyone loves it haha.

Keep up the good work, don’t let the pressure get to you, you gotta do what you gotta do!


Went to HTTPS://hamrs.app this morning. Microsoft Edge is flagging this as unsafe and blocking it. Wanted to let you know in the event you want to clear it up.

Hey Jarrett, I made an account just to reply and say thank you for all your hard work. It’s completely understandable that things in life come up and changes of course must happen. Just want to say thank you for all that you do for the ham radio community and with HAMRS. hope all is going well and can’t wait to see what the future holds!


Thanks Jarrett, you rock! I love HAMRS! It makes POTA seamless!

I have mac sierra 10.12.6 How do I update the parks in my desktop application? Thank you

[quote=“KK6WT, post:39, topic:4369, full:true”]
I have mac sierra 10.12.6 How do I update the parks in my desktop application? Thank you