Would it be possible when someone selects the call box to enter numbers that the virtual keyboard appear with the numbers already at the top. Currently you have to hit the 123 button to bring up the numbers.
Yes, I’m currently working on something similar to what HamLog had going with it’s virtual keyboard, because it IS a pain if you’re not using a bluetooth keyboard.
Thanks, Jarrett. You do such a great job with this software I hardly want to comment, but this would be a BIG help. We know you’re working on it . . . and as you know, hams are nothing if not patient!
Nope, it’s good to know how many people want this feature, so the ‘Me too!’ type of posts help me prioritize my backlog, so I appreciate you letting me know you’d find this helpful as well.
+1 this would be a great feature!
For brilliant memery, (and also reminding me):
You memed it directly into existence.
Great … very helpful … Tnx
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